Thursday, April 30, 2009
Back in Time
Did you know I started blogging when my father died? I don't know what in tarnation spurred me to decide to blog about the mind-numbing pain I felt, but that's what started this whole shebang. I've come a long way, don't you think?
My first ever post - Misty Morning Musings. (What can I say? I'm fond of alliteration.)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Unschooling Story Hour
But there was also a group a children playing nearby, children of the audience members. The children weren't so interested in the man's songs. The children weren't so interested in the woman's songs. The children were tired after a long day and just wanted to play and have fun and be a little noisy, as children often want to do.
"Shhhh!" said an audience member, "We can't hear the singing!"
"Hush!" said another, "You need to be quiet!"
"Be quiet!" said another, "And sit still!"
One by one, the audience members, some of them parents of the noisy children, tried to quiet the children. They shushed them. They frowned at them. A few whispered to others nearby, "If those were MY kids, I'd punish them and make them be quiet.""Those children should behave!" whispered another.
Nothing the audience members did quieted the children, who, rather than growing quiet, grew increasingly loud instead.
But before things got out of hand, before audience members had time to dream up too many punishments, before the man's songs and the woman's songs were drowned out entirely, something magical happened.
The singing man beckoned to the children. "Come forth," he said, "I need help with this song."
The children went forth. They didn't go quietly, and they didn't sit quietly, but they went. They clambered onto the stage and gathered at the singing man's feet and they waited to see what he wanted.
"Let's sing a song," said the singing man. And he began to sing.
And so they sang. They sang loudly, they sang quietly, but all of them sang quite enthusiastically, with arms swinging and feet tapping and mouths open as wide as mouths could open.
And the audience sat back and listened to their beautiful music.
The End
Pat Montgomery, homeschool advocate, founder of Clonlara, and one of my heroes, once said, "All you can really do for your children is model."
Today's unschooling question: Will you be the audience or will you be the singer?
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I Have Purpose
At least I know I'm needed for something around here.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Reuniting with my Inner Activist
Story to follow, be sure of that.
Friday, April 24, 2009
You Can Kiss my Grass
Saturday, April 18, 2009
You Know You Ain't a Southerner When...
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Scenes from another Fantastic Florida Trip

Sunday, April 12, 2009
It Can't Be

And that's Kasumi. Kasumi was the Japanese exchange student who stayed with Heather's family when Heather and I were high school sophomores. Kasumi was - and is - a hoot and a half and my memories are filled with all kinds of crazy stories like the time she told me on a ski trip that she was going to kick my *ss if I wasn't quiet so she could get to sleep. Naturally I egged her on, mostly because it was just so darn funny to hear her say, "I mean it, Lorla - I'm going to keek your ahss" over and over in her heavy Japanese accent. Or the time she insisted that scratching off the tops of my mosquito bites would make them stop itching and I actually let her do it and then walked around for 3 days with little bloody wounds that, now that I think about it, didn't itch anymore but looked like hell. Or the time we all went to a lake in northern Wisconsin on vacation together and Heather and I went to bed to find that Kasumi had decorated our pillows by propping them up on end, dressing them in our bras and panties, and placing tampons and maxi pads in various places.
I have many many more stories about Heather as well - hilarious, obnoxious, blackmail-ish stories that I won't tell lest word get out in the corporate world. Let's just say Heather can be loud. And sometimes barked out car windows. That's all I'm gonna say.
It was great fun to catch up today and catch up on each other's lives.
And now back to my favorite Florida activity: holding down that lawn chair.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Getting Ready to Blow this Coop
Sometimes prepping for a trip is high-anxiety. I rush around doing a million things a minute (slight exaggeration - more like a couple thousand per minute), worrying I'll never get it all done in time.
Then there are times like now - when everything seems to go smooth as silk, and I even have time left over to play board games with my kids, write a blog post, and send off a few thank you notes. I have no explanation for why this time is easier than others, especially since we had to move every lick of furniture out of our living room in preparation for the wood floors being installed while we're gone. And I ran out of progesterone cream which I thought was a certain precursor for a hellish trip prep. Not so. Go figure. (Update: All faces are intact.)
So today, I not only moved furniture....
I even had time to...
Rearrange furniture in my now-empty living room to see if I like something different.
Seriously - I had nothing but time, baby.
I had so much time, I was able to play 7 games of Mille Bornes with Jonathan, clean out the fridge, and visit with some friends. I even took my sweet old time doing my regularly scheduled pre-trip fashion show, where I try on every possible combination of this-top-with-those-pants and that-top-with-this-skirt
and those-shoes-with-which-set
and so on. I rarely buy new clothes, so you'd think I'd know which combos worked by now. But I forget.
It's actually a good excuse to go through piles of clothes and realize that if I say no over and over to a shirt, it can probably be added to the donation pile.
But after the suitcases were packed, the food was laid out, and the maps were gathered, the most important pre-trip activity was completed.
Now, my friends, the vacation can begin.
So, anyone know how to use it? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Will be posting on our road trip to Florida. With this bunch, there are sure to be some newsworthy antics.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Commence Brady Bunch Experiment Part I
My (single, silly - but in a good way!) brother will be there.
So will my mom's fiance's daughter Sarah.
The others are
Looks like we'll be taking this Brady Bunch thing one future-step-sibling at a time. Sarah - you ready to jump into the new-family petri dish?
Sarah's bringing my kids' favorite snacks and sending football smack talk to Jonathan via Facebook. She's prepared.
Me? I'm listing all the things I should apologize for up front. Cohabitation is a risky business.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Uh Oh.
And I can keep it managed with a strict diet, supplement regimen, and progesterone, right?
And when I run out of progesterone for days at a time, the resulting hormonal hurricane makes me want to rip someone's face off, right?
Well, I ran out of progesterone.
And in 48 hours we leave for a 20-hour road trip.
(It's too bad, really... Rob has a really cute face.)
Scenes from Willow
Ok, ok, I'll post some Willow pictures already. We had a lovely time, as usual, with many of our favorite people.