Sometimes prepping for a trip is high-anxiety. I rush around doing a million things a minute (slight exaggeration - more like a couple thousand per minute), worrying I'll never get it all done in time.
Then there are times like now - when everything seems to go smooth as silk, and I even have time left over to play board games with my kids, write a blog post, and send off a few thank you notes. I have no explanation for why this time is easier than others, especially since we had to move every lick of furniture out of our living room in preparation for the wood floors being installed while we're gone. And I ran out of progesterone cream which I thought was a certain precursor for a hellish trip prep. Not so. Go figure. (Update: All faces are intact.)
So today, I not only moved furniture....
I even had time to...
Rearrange furniture in my now-empty living room to see if I like something different.
Seriously - I had nothing but time, baby.
I had so much time, I was able to play 7 games of Mille Bornes with Jonathan, clean out the fridge, and visit with some friends. I even took my sweet old time doing my regularly scheduled pre-trip fashion show, where I try on every possible combination of this-top-with-those-pants and that-top-with-this-skirt
and those-shoes-with-which-set
and so on. I rarely buy new clothes, so you'd think I'd know which combos worked by now. But I forget.
It's actually a good excuse to go through piles of clothes and realize that if I say no over and over to a shirt, it can probably be added to the donation pile.
But after the suitcases were packed, the food was laid out, and the maps were gathered, the most important pre-trip activity was completed.
Now, my friends, the vacation can begin.
ha ha! I thought I was the only pre-trip fasion show kid around! lol
Remember Pisces, Last minut tasks ALWAYS take more than a minut! Have an AWSOME trip.
But where is the mendhi?
I'm so glad there are others that do pre-trip fashion shows. I'm not alone in the world :)
Have a great trip! And remember there are peoples en route that would love to see you :) We now have a guest bedroom available!
Have a wonderful trip and a great time. And I love this top with that shirt, and the toe polish, of course.
Have a WONMDRFUL time in Flordia! I'm JEALOUS! TAKE PICTUERS! Get a nice hot tan and drink a few margaritta's by the shore! I hope when you get back you'll intresting stories too tell! Have a GREAT Easter as well and I'll see when you get back!
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