you guys were so 80's! my husband is 38, so he is a total child of the 80's. I was born in '77 so the 90's were my years.
you were pretty through it all, and although your husband was cute in a skinny 80's sort of way, he's definitely improved with age. very handsome he is.
Mr. Wanderlust...YOUR HAIR!!! Ohmygoodness, he was 80's dreamy. He went to the dark side and married a girl from Illionoise...ah, the weeping Wisconsin girls!! You two are adorable then and now, glad you shared this.
P.S. I had the asymmetrical too. It was a sad time in fashion history.
You both are a very pretty couple although you can telly your hubby I said handsome! I also had the asymmetrical hairdo at one time and my hubby had the feathered hairdo!
I am available to speak to your group on a variety of fitness, parenting and unschooling-related topics. Email me at for a list of workshop ideas and to discuss possibilities.
I have a spirited imagination and I dance between fantasy and reality. I live on a mountainside. I reside in an old Victorian home. But I also live in a second-story flat. And I live in that old farmhouse with the falling down barn. The view from my window changes with the seasons, and my wanderlust is calmed when my children wake me from my reverie. Recently someone told me I think more than the average person. I liked that.
Happy Valentine's Day to you, friend!
Thanks for coming by my blog and wishing me well. It was super sweet of you!
BTW, you and I must be related somehow in a cosmic sense. I looked much like you did, very similar hair!
Hope you had a wonderful day, Laura!
you guys were so 80's! my husband is 38, so he is a total child of the 80's. I was born in '77 so the 90's were my years.
you were pretty through it all, and although your husband was cute in a skinny 80's sort of way, he's definitely improved with age. very handsome he is.
happy valentines day...and many more!
Mr. Wanderlust...YOUR HAIR!!! Ohmygoodness, he was 80's dreamy. He went to the dark side and married a girl from Illionoise...ah, the weeping Wisconsin girls!! You two are adorable then and now, glad you shared this.
P.S. I had the asymmetrical too. It was a sad time in fashion history.
You guys are beautiful! I'm touched.
Happy Valentines Day!!
and even more xx and oo's.
Oh my gosh, you guys are so darling it's almost painful. So glad you had such a nice holiday!
You both are a very pretty couple although you can telly your hubby I said handsome! I also had the asymmetrical hairdo at one time and my hubby had the feathered hairdo!
You guys are beautiful!!!!
You are *STILL* so cool :D
Happy V.D. ♥
Love the vintage 80s photo. Great hair and just a little attitude. Glad you had a Happy V-Day.
That's so sweet! Love the pics. :)
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