Just a short one - to ease back in. Transcript of my exchange with Jonathan after returning home from the grocery store:
"Mom, you bought the pizzas I asked for, but you also bought lots of things I like but didn't ask for!"
"Who's the best mom ever, hmmm?"
"Well, you were the best mom ever anyway, but now you really are to the max."
Yay me. :)
I DID miss you, I DID miss you!! Glad you are "back" and really, I thought I was the coolest mom to the max, but whatever, each to his own...I'll LET you have the title....
How adorable! And I too am glad your back! It just hasn't been as laughable here in the blogsphere.
Did he really say "to the max?" Like did he um like inherit like an um 80s gene or something? Totally.
Welcome back.
Welcome home! :)
Yes I did miss you I love reading your blog :)
hey.... was just too impressed with this post!!
Love your blog...
Thanks for being glad I'm back - I feel giddy now. :)
And yes, he did say to the max - I think that's why I found it so funny and memorable. Besides the whole I'm-the-best-mom thing. My thanks to Maria for sharing the title with me!
Though I know y'ALL share it. :)
Oh, and no - I didn't catch Amy. She's a fast one.
I think it's the universe's way of telling me to go to the Life Is Good conference - don't you all agree?
Okay...What is the Life is Good conference and where do I sign up?
And I'll be looking for you at the InHome Conference this weekend!
Sort of like where's Laura? (Waldo)
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