But I've seen this one a couple times now and I think it looks like fun to DO. Whether or not it's fun for you, well, I don't know.
Here's the deal: Type the answer to each question into a Google image search, and then pick an image from the first page of results.
1. Age At Next Birthday: 38.
Oh heck, not a great way to start, unless you really like guns (which I don't) or airplanes (which I'm pretty non-committal about).
Ya, I'm not sure what he's all about either!
2. Place I'd Like To Travel: Nepal.
3. Favorite Place: in the mountains
4. Favorite Object(s): digital camera, books, my bag, my scarf, and my tulsi bracelet, not necessarily in that order
5. Favorite Food : Guacamole and a steaming cup of tea
6. Favorite Animal: cow
7. Favorite Color: Purple
This one was disturbing because not only did purple "biker balls" (do not ask - I do not know) come up, but also an image of a very, um, erect man. WTF?!
8. My Nickname(s): Lola (Uh-oh), Lolita (Ya, let's not do that one either), so.. how about Piscesgrrl
Lots of pics from my own blog came up, but then there was this one:
9. Town I was Born In: Rockford, IL
10. Bad Habit I Have: too much time online
I couldn't resist! That is TOO funny!!
If'n you want, you're it.
Did you find the camera? I would like to travel to Nepal too.
Hey that was my question, LOL! Well did you find your camera?
Yes my baseboards are red, not as red as te walls, a darker shade. On the other side I have 2 different shades of green for the walls and baseboards, not christmas green :)
Actually you may like the green shades, it's subtle.
mrs. g. - no, I didn't! And believe me, hubby is still searching. We could go to Nepal together. :)
stephanie - you are brave painting your baseboards. It looks cool! Pics of the green shades if you have 'em, pretty please!
Trying to fill your time w/o a camera, huh? I like it!
Looks like you all have snow so find your camera and take some pics! I wanna see!!! It's always nice to see from a distance. :)
OMG, that internet pic is hilarious! I love it! :) We fix the traveling issue though, L-A-P-T-O-P ;)
How lucky you are to have seen that lego exhibit, I think we saw that artist on the Daily Show. What amazing work he does.
And I want to go with you and Mrs. G to Nepal.
sharon - you are a brat. and you still have pictures of your sunny summer gathering on your blog, you know, which is just not nice. i will send you enough pics so you can wallpaper your home with them and pretend you're snowbound like us!
kelli - I know, I thought that internet pic hilarious too. that could be me or brady, with Rob tugging. :) The lego exhibit was incredible! And you can come to Nepal with us.
anyone else? when shall we go?
Hello there. I see you noticed I found this idea on your blog. I should link to you, as I usually do when I steal someone's idea. Of course, that's the whole point with something like this.
To answer your question, to make my collage, I found the photos and dragged them onto the desktop of my Mac. I have Photoshop, so I created a new document that was 10 inches by 5 inches at 72 dpi. Then I opened all the little photos. For each photo, I "select all," and "copy." Then I go to my big, blank canvas and select and area on it, then "paste." I tried to make the image show up bigger, but was not successful.
I'm still learning how to do stuff like that, which is how I can justify being up in the middle of the night goofing around with my blog. "I'm learning important graphic design skills!" Right, right.
There we go. I was feeling bad that I didn't link to you for the meme idea. Now I have, and I feel better. I'm sure your blog counter will go through the roof now. Ha!
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