Did you know that if you search for "Boots in the 80's," my blog comes up as the first option of 3,010,000? I thought you might want to know. And here's why.
I think it should somehow be my new tagline...
"Wistful Wanderlust.... Your Place for Useless Knowledge"
I am available to speak to your group on a variety of fitness, parenting and unschooling-related topics. Email me at piscesgrrl17@gmail.com for a list of workshop ideas and to discuss possibilities.
I have a spirited imagination and I dance between fantasy and reality. I live on a mountainside. I reside in an old Victorian home. But I also live in a second-story flat. And I live in that old farmhouse with the falling down barn. The view from my window changes with the seasons, and my wanderlust is calmed when my children wake me from my reverie. Recently someone told me I think more than the average person. I liked that.
Very awesome shoes...and how cool to be l-o-v-e-d by google :)
I /adore/ those shoes.. they are *awesome*. :)
It doesn't come up as number 1 any more...sorry grrl...
Aw shucks. I guess they love me less because I was bragging. Serves me right!
Got those shoes at a resale shop - total score!
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