Note to self: Never, ever, have four parties in five days ever again. Amen.
The thing that's great about entertaining is having all the big jobs done all at the same time. I do clean my basement once in a while. I do weed the garden and flower beds (some more than others, I found out the hard way). I do clean the shed and brush the spiders off the ceiling and walls of the garage and mow the lawn and scrub lawn chairs and sort yard game equipment and do laundry and clean the house from top to bottom and mow the ditches along the roadside (wait - I never do that) and make flower arrangements and... and... where was I?!? I just never have all those jobs done at the same time. It's exhausting, and yet nothing but a slew of parties (or even just one big yard party) would ever inspire me to work that hard in a matter of days. In between gift wrapping and playing bean-bag games in the yard with Jonathan, I'd haul out party decorations or serving platters. In between driving the boys to practices and track meets, I'd weed one more flower bed. I've never slept so little and gotten so much accomplished in one week. The woodpile never did get cleaned up and stacked, and the former chicken coop would've made a great playhouse for the kids had I gotten it cleaned out and sanitized, but those jobs'll just have to wait for something bigger like a graduation party or engagement party or baby shower, not that I'm wishing for those events to come any sooner than necessary.
This morning, trained by the week's rigorous schedule, I rose early. But this time, rather than donning garden gloves or work boots or a bucket of bathroom cleaning supplies, I made a pot of coffee, sliced some homemade cherry pie, and took pie and coffee to everyone in their beds, in celebration of a day of rest.
Miraculously, the weather held out for our party yesterday. It rained all night long Friday night, causing me to wake up every hour and mumble, "Well, there goes our party." But it stopped by Saturday morning. I hung my deck cushions on the line to dry (oops) and started obsessing over the weather satellite radar on a slick website I found. Every time a pregnant-looking cloud passed over, I politely asked it to hang on to its bounty and pass on by. And they did. We sent an email - "Party's ON, baby!" - and continued with our prep.
The party started at 3:00 and by 2:00, my living room was in order...