Life in the cornfields is all well and fine; excepting that on my new diet I'm hungry all the
On other notes, here's a bit of what we've been up to.
Brady celebrated his sixteenth birthday. As much as we hoped to mark this transition by getting him to sign a "refusal to grow a single day older" contract, he has chosen to fully embrace his newfound status by applying for a job and planning outings with friends to which he can drive himself.
I'm still on my doctor-prescribed diet on which I can eat nothing, nothing, and nothing with a side of vinegar-,yeast-, sugar-, dairy-, wheat- and fruit-free nothing.
Which means it was nothing short of sanity-saving to finally wash out this pan that once held Rob's choice for his birthday - homemade ice cream hot fudge with chocolate wafer crust dessert. Just looking at this photo makes me want to mainline some sugar.
Jonathan taught me how to play marbles. Right after we completed 9 chemistry experiments at the kitchen table, two of which involved marbles. (Yes way.)
Jonathan also dove into the bucket of pattern blocks I strewed and has been making and photographing cool designs for days now.
Oh, and there was this! Homecoming with Carissa, his grrlfriend. That was a fun time, especially considering Carissa's parents are some of our best friends. It was a lovely, sunny, crisp fall day. The 892 photos I took turned out fabulous. (Note: any resemblance to past outfits is entirely intentional.)
Oh, and I met Patti-freakin'-Digh! The book tour for her recently released Life is a Verb brought her to Madison, WI, just a hop skip and a jump from my little ol' cornfield. Since she selected my essay (had you heard?) as Day 1 on her blog count-down, I figured I'd pop in and see if I could accompany her on the rest of her tour. "Hi, I'm your Day 1!" is how I introduced myself after I arrived 30 minutes early so I'd have plenty of time to stalk talk to her before her presentation.
It was a real pleasure to meet Patti and listen to her share excerpts from her book. She has just the right combination of wisdom, humor, humility, and pluck.
And she spoke at this wonderful bookstore, A Room of One's Own, which takes me back to my college days when I was just a flaky, hard-partying, clueless wannabe feminist from the cornfields and the 80's me generation. Back then, I entered this store with a bit of trepidation, knowing the others who shopped there were so much more worldly than me. While they were reading up on the glass ceiling, women's reproductive rights, and new-age spirituality, I was just happy to make it through a physiology lecture with a hang-over. But I went there, on occasion, nonetheless.
Their window dressing was a "What Would Sarah Ban?" display. Priceless.
Speaking of eyes, listening to Sarah Palin talk makes me want to jab the nearest sharp object into my eye.
How 'bout you? Or should we not get started...
//Speaking of eyes, listening to Sarah Palin talk makes me want to jab the nearest sharp object into my eye.
How 'bout you?//
You Betcha!
I love your blog! Thanks for the laughs! I have been thinking of writing a post about how all the candidates give me the creeps, but hey I figure--I'll post about something more interesting. At least people are listening and caring enough to not puke watching debates. Palin's voice does bother me. I just told my hubby that the other night when he was watching a debate.
Anyway wouldn't it be nice to have the candidates give all their donation/campaign money to a good cause instead of act all stupid and high and mighty for a year to get us to vote for them. Then hate them two to four years later? Which I hope won't be the case in 2 years.
Happy days to you!!!
~Heather in Iowa
It's not her voice that bugs me....It's the vitriolic words spewing out of her mouth. When you can follow her sentences, that is.
Palin scares me big time!!!! A heartbeat away from the Presidency is too close. And, by the way, where is Dick Cheney?????
**How 'bout you? Or should we not get started...**
oh my gosh.. it's just plain scary. She is, that is. But we're just gonna say that it's not gonna happen!! :)
You rule, miss Lura in the cornfields . You are such a maverick, and you will survive this diet! As I told you I did it for a while and then was able to eat everything again, except wheat. Well, now I can eat wheat again!!! There is an end. Ohm and i stopped missing cake and bread, when once, that was what I lived upon. Truly. You stop dreaming about it, eventually.
Okay, Laura. I gotta ask - what's with the "reader" thing you have goin' on? After walking into the registration area of L&L with half the place coming up to you and introducing themselves as faithful readers. The self deprecation doesn't suit you! Or is there a back story?
galavanter - Just my fascination with using the strike feature. Also, I nabbed the idea from another blog - seems a good way to link back to my faithful commenters! As for L&L, it certainly wasn't half - perhaps a handful. It was great fun to put faces with names, though. I love the connections from blogging! Wish i'd nabbed a photo of us together, too. Why didn't we do that?? Ok, didn't realize it might come off as false self-deprecation. Now I'm going to mull on that one a bit.
Stab my eyeballs, yes, you betcha. Or run screaming with my children to Canada.
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