Last night, however, was a normal sort of night. We went to niece Ana's school music performance. 
They don't come any cuter than Ana.
It was quite the show - a musical revue spanning the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and the 90's. It was adorable, and quite impressive for a bunch of 10 yr olds. Ana, in case you can't tell, was a sock hop dancer. It was fun to hum along to familiar tunes, and, as tempting as it was, I resisted the urge to jump up, give the 'rock on!' signal, and scream "80's ROCK!"
We sat a few rows behind my sister's family.
And while we were captivated by the 4th graders' performance, I couldn't resist messing with my nephew...
There is Armando, spying me with my camera in hand.
Not one to miss an opportunity to be silly, he attempted to lure me in....
It worked.
I'm usually not this naughty. I am usually a picture of propriety, especially in public places.
Or not.
Soon enough, Madelina was on to our antics. But thankfully, my sister Jackie was completely oblivious.
Armando - don't you rat me out!
No, don't cry. I didn't mean to yell.
I've got to teach that boy how to be sneaky. At his age, I was the master of sneaky.
It came in handy a time or two.
Lordy, Jonathan's not getting married is he? :0
and :)
Hehe...I would do the same thing...what a cutie Armando is! Actually, all three of them are stunning! I would send you some chocolate, but I ate it all. LOL Seriously, I hope everything is OK and I'm sending you a big (((cyberhug.))) Chris
Cute kids!
Hi, Laura! I'm Gordy's daughter Sarah. I don't have your email address -- drop me a note at if you're willing and able. Thanks.
lol, this reminded me of using sign language to talk to my gf during church when i was 9 ;^)
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