There's something I forgot to tell you. I'm a bad wife. Well, that's not what I wanted to tell you. That's my lowly opinion of myself after forgetting to tell you something. See number 7812 there? That's my husband. My main squeeze. My consort. The yin to my yang. (Or is he the yang to my yin?) The bacon to my eggs. Ahem.
He ran the 1/4 marathon in Madison, Wisconsin a few daysweeksoh hell months ago. And I didn't blog it. Do you see him? Because I don't. He's in there somewhere. Oh wait - no he's not. He's there, in the long line for the porta-potty. The bucky. The loo. The stink tank. The one-holer. The sh*tter. Ahem.
Hurry, honey! The race is about to start!
He was registered to do the 1/2 marathon, but because of a little thing called a ruptured disc, he opted instead for the 1/4 marathon. Only 6.55 miles or so. A stroll. A walk in the park. A wee minor jaunt. (I'll stop.)
And if forgetting to blog about it wasn't enough - how's this: It took longer for the kids and me to find a coffee joint, grab a cuppa, and find the finish line than for him to finish the bloody race. I'm sure it was a great finish, honey! I'm sure you looked strong at the end! I'm sure it was very, very exciting!
If only we'd seen it.
Don't feel too badly honey - I missed the end of Jonathan's duathlon, too! Does that make you feel better?
Does apologizing in front of my readersreader help? Because I'm really really sorry. And we're proud of you! And I'll start working on my coffee-fetching time right away. I'm sure I can shave off a few seconds if I start training now and work really hard.
I am available to speak to your group on a variety of fitness, parenting and unschooling-related topics. Email me at for a list of workshop ideas and to discuss possibilities.
I have a spirited imagination and I dance between fantasy and reality. I live on a mountainside. I reside in an old Victorian home. But I also live in a second-story flat. And I live in that old farmhouse with the falling down barn. The view from my window changes with the seasons, and my wanderlust is calmed when my children wake me from my reverie. Recently someone told me I think more than the average person. I liked that.
Go Rob! or Rob Went! (?) Yay!
Ha! :)
I am frustrated with my blog feeder. It never shows me your new posts...but works for everything else. So, I'm always a few days behind!!!!
A friends husband ran in that one - he runs wayyyy too many marathons, so indeed ran that one as well.
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